[Python](EN) Parsing JSON file in Python

Read JSON file and parse it to dictionary type data in python

Environment and Prerequisite

  • Python(3.X)

Parse json file using with statement and json module

  • Easily parse json file contents to dictionary by using with statement and json module
import json # import json module

# with statement
with open('json file path or name') as json_file:
    json_data = json.load(json_file)




    "json_string": "string_example",
    "json_number": 100,
    "json_array": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
    "json_object": { "name":"John", "age":30},
    "json_bool": true


import json

# open file using with statement
# assume json file is in same directory

with open('example.json') as json_file:
    json_data = json.load(json_file)

    # String
    # Get string type data
    # Key is json_string
    json_string = json_data["json_string"]

    # Numeric
    # Get numeric type data
    # Key is json_number
    json_number = json_data["json_number"]
    print(str(json_number)) # 숫자이기 때문에 str()함수를 이용

    # Array
    # Get array type data
    # Key is json_array
    json_array = json_data["json_array"]

    # Ojbect
    # Get object type data
    # Key is json_object
    # Default type is dictionary
    # You need to serialize it if you need python object (additional code needed)
    json_object = json_data["json_object"]

    # Bool
    # Get bool type data
    # Key is json_bool
    json_bool = json_data["json_bool"]
