[VirtualBox](EN) Run VM in background by using command line interface
Run VirtualBox VM in background by using command line interface
Environment and Prerequisite
- Linux or Mac
- VirtualBox and VM(alreaday amde)
VBoxManage Command
What is VBoxManage command?
: VBoxManage is the command-line interface to Oracle VM VirtualBox.- It is an API that can use VirtualBox.
- API DOC: https://www.virtualbox.org/manual/ch08.html
Run VM in background
- Usage
VBoxManage startvm [VM NAME] --type headless
- Example
VBoxManage startvm "Ubuntu 14.04" --type headless
Save VM in current state
- Usage
VBoxManage controlvm [VM NAME] savestate
- Usage
VBoxManage controlvm "Ubuntu 14.04" savestate