[Let's Encrypt](EN) Case of subdomain's certificate was applied to root domain

Case of subdomain’s certificate was applied to root domain.

Environment and Prerequisite

  • Let’s Encrypt
  • Nginx
  • Certbot


  • Due to my Curiosity, I searched my domain certificate and found that domain’s certificate was configured to subdomain’s certificate so I modified it. For example, if domain is twpower.org, the certificate was displayed as subdomain.twpower.org’s certificate in browser.
  • Running server is Nginx environment and set certificate by using certbot.


  • I used a Let’s Encrypt certificate and set it up using certbot. I found that I needed to set certificate per doamin. However I set up domain and subdomain simultaneously.
  • Link shows a way of applying wildcard which contain subdomain. However I did not follow that way because it looks not easy.

Fix Method

  • Certificate setting should be applied per domain. For example if there are domain twpower.org and subdomain subdomain.twpower.org then it can be applied like below command.
  • It is possible to apply to subdomain using above Link. However this post does not include that method.
sudo certbot --nginx -d twpower.org -d www.twpower.org
sudo certbot --nginx -d subdomain.twpower.org

Fix Process

Remove exist previous setting by certbot and set certificate again.

Remove existing configurations created by certbot

There are setting files per domain in /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/.

twpower@twpower-private-server:/etc/nginx/sites-enabled$ ls /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/
subdomain.twpower.org  twpower.org

The parts configured by certbot are commented as shown below.

if ($host = www.twpower.org) {
    return 301 https://$host$request_uri;
} # managed by Certbot

if ($host = twpower.org) {
    return 301 https://$host$request_uri;
} # managed by Certbot

To remove previous exist setting, I removed codes which commented with # managed by Certbot.

Check Nginx

sudo nginx -t

Set Certificate Using certbot

If nginx configuration is correct, refer to the command below to apply the certificate to both domain and subdomain.

sudo certbot --nginx -d twpower.org -d www.twpower.org
sudo certbot --nginx -d subdomain.twpower.org


  • Each domain has each own certificate.


  • These days, cloud services handle these tasks, so I may not encounter this situation again.
  • Not only do cloud services handle this, but we also live in an era where services like ChatGPT provide detailed instructions, so I might not have the chance to encounter this again.
  • When running a small server like me, this could be helpful.
