[Ubuntu](EN) Change Timezone in Ubuntu

Update(2020.05.16): Add timedatectl usage

Change Timezone in Ubuntu

Environment and Prerequisite

  • Linux(Ubuntu 16.04.6)
  • Linux(Ubuntu 18.04.3)
  • Linux(Ubuntu 20.04)

Check current date in Ubuntu

  • Type date on shell.
$ date


Change Timezone in Ubuntu - 1

Select Timezone

Under /usr/share/zoneinfo/ directory, there are continents and countries. Check continent and country you want and copy it(path) to your computer clipboard.


Change Timezone

There is example below(change to Asia/Seoul)

$ sudo ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Seoul /etc/localtime


Change Timezone in Ubuntu - 2


You can set your timezone by using tzselect like below.

$ sudo timedatectl set-timezone 'Asia/Seoul'
$ date
Sat May 16 19:52:25 KST 2020


Change Timezone in Ubuntu - 3


You can set your timezone by using tzselect on CUI like below.

$ tzselect

select-continent select-country

Change Timezone

There is example below(change to Asia/Seoul). Add setting values to .profile file and apply it.

$ echo "TZ='Asia/Seoul'; export TZ" >> .profile
$ source ~//.profile

select apply
